Dear all,
The big day is really drawing nearer and nearer. Things are moving in pace I think, or rather they just appear when I need it! I was in Hongkong for the past 2 days. Near Prince Edward Station there is this building call 金都商场 that sells all wedding related stuffs, bling bling shoes, hair accessories, jewellery, bridal shops, wedding planning and production firms, anything under the wedding sun on all 4 levels!! I found out, Hongkong brides they actually use fake flowers for AD bouquet. But they are still very pretty. So many choices of Ang Pows!! But I already bought from Chinatown Singapore :(. But!! Look what I have gotten from there?!WRIST CORSAGES!! Ok I am a little overwhelmed. Ok I bought wrist corsages for my sisters and matching one for the brothers to pin on their shirt! The only difference is the ribbon comes in silver for the brothers!
The ironic thing I realised is, it has been all these sweet accessories for the wedding that makes me really excited! Not so much on the wedding. I also did not really hope it will be over soon. It's like not much feelings to it yet. Not stress, not panic (like wedding band still not send for manufacture), not excited. Maybe I am considered quite lucky. My mum is more fussy than his parents, so it is so much easier to "communicate" for what I preferred and want!! Wahaha!! Although, many times it ended up ugly. Call me a spoilt child!
And I know things will naturally fall in place when the day arrives!
I never never expect that I will buy so many pairs of heels!!!!
I wonder why I never get to see the next two pairs earlier, in that case I would not have splurge on the first pair!! But I love them all!!! I am planning to wear these 3 pairs on my wedding! I think I am too much but simply cannot resist! The consolation would be I have more pairs of evening heels!!
I will wear a different one to a different gf's wedding in future. Hahaha...
Suddenly I am crazy over my heels.
So, my first pair would be this. I guess most of you have seen it on pictures. It's from Takashimaya. Only after then I was told it is carried by the shoe company my mum is promoting for!! @#$%^
The second pair. Discreetly bought this from Far East Plaza cause I already feel bad about spending on a second pair. I thought I would just show it on the day... But well...
And follow by the last one... Bought this at 金都商场. It's only for about SGD $52. BUY!
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