I miss everything on the 10th Jan 09!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's a sweet story of us
The photo montage. Self created with idiot proof software Photostory... Sweet!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's a beautiful ending...
10th January 2009 marks the day of us officially becoming Mr & Mrs Koh!
Thank you everyone for the lovely day!!
Thank you for being there to witness our marriage!
Thank you to all the gorgeous sisters!
Thank you to the wonderful friends!
Thank you for the loudest and longest Yum Seng!
Thank you to the forever fun loving family!!
Thank you all!!
It's been a GREAT one!
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ang Pow Boxes Completed!!!

Let's Woohoo!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
4 days to go!
We had dinner and finale of Little Nonya for the sisters meeting!! This Little Nonya was drawing too much attention away from me!! Sobz! But the focus returned at 10pm.
It all went well. Anticipating lots of fun and sweetness to the gatecrash. =)
I still have a few things left undone. Hope I could rest on the last 2 days before the actual day.
1) Wrap Ang Pow Box
2) Stationery
3) Typing out guest list and table arrangement.
4) March in music not ready
5) Hubby to be has not prepared thank you speech
6) Hubby to be has not been briefed about what's going to happen on that day.
7) Have not listed out what we have discussed for gatecrash today.
I tried to sleep. But I can't!! It's not time for me to sleep yet!!
I am going to be a panda eyed bride.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Some photos.
The long waited photos were collected. I'm not sure which one to post. Thus, I decided to pick one from each outfit. Nothing much to yell about. Just enjoy. =)The evening gown. He looks good in this picture. Or rather, he looks better than me in every photos. :s
Sprained neck pose.
I am still wondering why I chose this blue gown. Well... I am glad we didn't take many photos in it. Ha!
This piece turns quite nice in photos.
Eh... My coordinator die die wants me to wear a short dress. She picked this for me.
That's all folks. =)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Counting Down
The few days before the wedding
2nd Jan, I have done my facial!
3rd Jan, Colored my hair and had a trim. He sponsored! (^-^)
4th Jan, Final fitting and collect the photo albums!
5th Jan, I will be meeting my JieMei! And I do not actually know what to discuss about! haha!
Let's take a break on 6th!
7th Jan, Manicure and Pedicure with Mum!!
8th Jan, Massage! Not booked yet.
9th Jan, Ah!! No idea yet!
10th Jan 09! Big Day! WooHoo!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Love Is A Great Thing
I was working on the vows and I came across this poem.
So real yet so beautiful..
So imperfect and yet perfect!
“Love Is A Great Thing” by Thomas à Kempis
Love is a great thing, yea, a great and thorough good. By itself it makes that is heavy light; and it bears evenly all that is uneven.
It carries a burden which is no burden; it will not be kept back by anything low and mean; it desires to be free from all wordly affections, and not to be entangled by any outward prosperity, or by any adversity subdued.
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility. It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down.
Though weary, it is not tired; though pressed it is not straitened; though alarmed, it is not confounded; but as a living flame it forces itself upwards and securely passes through all.
Love is active and sincere, courageous, patient, faithful, prudent and manly.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Make Up Artists.
27th December, Sydney
I received two overseas calls, respectively from two Make Up Artists on my wedding day.
One of them was engaged for my mum and mother-in-law to be for the evening. Over the line, she went one big round to explain to me what happened to the other corporate function that is going to be held on the same day as my wedding. And she's still explaining that I have to cut her off and bring her straight to the point. I did not mean to be rude, but it's an OVERSEAS call! And so.. She is not available and has taken the initiative to find another Make up artist to replace her, who has the same experiences as her named, Jennifer Choo. She seeks my understanding. I am also left without a choice, do I?
I have not seen the work of Jennifer's. I hope my mums will just be happy with them. As long as they are happy, I am glad enough to be shut away from nags, for at least on my wedding day!
Later in the evening, I received another call. This time is from my main Make Up Artist! A few weeks before I have already mentioned that my groom will pick me up at 8am in the morning. And that's the earliest! She told me if she could come and do my make up at 5:30am in the morning!
5:30am can!
Let's picture this, so if i am done with my make up in an hour time, and that is even before 7am! I will have to wait for an hour and a half for the groom to arrive! And within that an hour and a half, I will be so sleepy and the most torture part is I could not lie down and sleep. My sisters will not have arrive yet too!
Not only that, it will incur additional charges for my videographer! What!?
Fine. Let's wait and see what she will come back to me.
I trusted their professionalism. Now I felt so betrayed.
Even make up artisits want to play a fool with me.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The more I went into planning of the wedding, the more I feel that I am doing it for the elderly. I kind of regretted on every options I have made, however, it looks like everyone is telling me I am left without a choice.
I was even reprimanded for the touch of black for the sisters' dress.
I am trying to find the meaning for what have been done.
It's my down time.
I am upset, angry, frustrated.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
West meets East Theme? Huh?
I need help! I just didn't like the 2 ballroom themes provided by the hotel. I cannot come up with a decision still. (you may like to click on the pictures to have a better view)
Firstly, it's the Enchanted Garden Theme. The white bird cages and doves are lovely, however, it looks really sparse. Something is just not right with the pedestal stand and the VIP table center piece. The worst is that Merchant Court only has VIP table cloth in RED, GOLD, CREAM and BLUE to choose from. Blue seemed the only one suitable for a garden theme, however, it may look a little corporate. However, the theme will definitely go with yam roses, with additional pink and cream color to it.
And then, it is the Oriental Romance Theme. Frankly, I only see the Oriental without the Romance. It looks grand. However, my evening gown is already in red and I do not want to become another ornament of the ballroom theme. Well, the solution is I could change the color of the flowers. However, if you really take note at the stage set up and the pedestal stand, you notice dangling glasses in red. They are not removable, hence, I wonder if pastel colors will be suitable. Not only that, the harsh burgundy glass centerpiece and black pedestal stand might also be too much of a contrast if I am going to stick to pastel flowers colors.
There's one thing that has confirmed was the florist will put up ivory color sash to cover the red back drop.
I really didn't like the botakness of the Enchanted Garden theme. I would love to keep the oriental theme with yam and cream roses and maybe a little pink will subtle the contrast... What do you all think?
Will they clash?
Again, the red dangling glasses are not removable. Sounds like West meets East.... Rojak once again!
Never did I expect that I will be so bothered by this.
Ok... I want to be a happy bride!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Oriental gowns meets Enchanting Garden theme.
If it's going to be a garden theme ballroom, with oriental cheongsum and red evening gown......
Oh my god... it's rojak theme again.....
Rebecca, the hotel coordinator, was suggesting yam and cream color rose.... I supposed it should turn out like what is shown in the picture. Hmm... pretty much acceptable.
(photo from AbsolutResolution.wordpress.com)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Appointment for verification & Statutory Declaration
7th Jan 2009, 9:30am- 10:30am
What to bring for Verification and Statutory Declaration
a)Filing Instructions (to reprint a copy, go to: www.rom.gov.sg, 'Retrieve Filing Instructions').
b)Both original NRICs (Identity Cards)
c)Your witnesses' identity documents (NRIC if he/she is a citizen/PR and passport if he/she is a non-citizen). You may bring originals or copies.
d)Solemniser's Consent Form (need not be original)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ding Dong!
It's ONE more month to go for the new born Mr and Mrs! =)
We just began to write the invitation and shall arrange to distribute them soon.
On the 12th, we will be meeting our hotel coordinator to discuss on the Actual Day details and the theme for the ballroom. I am beginning to feel lazy and really do not know what I should expect.
On the 16th, it's our Guo Da Li, I am left with a few more items to buy.
Before I really started planning for this wedding, I have talked to many colleagues and friends who are married. I learned about things to note from them. Almost all also mentioned to me that the table arrangement would cause most headache and expect many changes even on the Actual Day itself.
It looks like I am quite prepared for it. I am still waiting for a short list of colleagues to confirm their attendance, my bf already has friends and relatives who told us one by one that they cannot attend...
I have stopped adding people into my guest list and shall just wait till 1 or 2 weeks later to start arranging the tables seating.
Ya! It's going to be a joyous one! Everything is going to fall in place!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Just a Note.
Well, we have seen the touch up.
They did it mainly for the face to neck area.
We were there mainly to spot imperfection at our tummy, legs, arms....
It's amazing how they reconstruct it. from bulging to flattest tummy ever...
and my ugly underarms.
my girlfriend should know what I meant.
I picked a short dress for the solemnization.
In case my girlfriends start shouting at me, "huh!! poolside wear cheong sum?!"
I knew Bf will like the particular dress the best as the pong pong, fairy tale short dresses are too cute for him to accept. Well... ok lor, so i took the simple short dress which I commented that I will look like any other guests.
But... it's simple, nice and elegant. One of the coordinator says, it looks more class lor.
Well, I am quite spoiled with choices over those short dresses. Every piece looks wow...
p/s: the more i look at my photos, the more i really didn't like it. don't bother to ask me for reasons. See it for yourself when the album is ready. oh... i must say it's not totally ugly, it's just really not the style I liked. Well, I should have knew it. So, it's fine.