The first time, it was 2 wedding gowns. Yesterday, it was 2 evening gowns.
Sneakily, I asked her to take a picture for me in the tiny and messy dressing room. This is feature in their bridal show last week. On me, the color is wrong. The cutting is nice. I need bigger push at my b**bs. A slimmer waistline and a flatter tummy will look more flattering. I would most likely made to measure my evening gown. Yvonne says, she will design something that looks sexy for me. She seriously thinks that I suit sexiness. (with my flat chest?) Fine, at least, I want something different from the princess looking day gown for the evening. My next appointment will only fall in June, that's when they have newer gowns again.
I have finalised. Alex from EmotionPix would be the video man on my actual day. Yeah! =)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Evening Gown | Video man
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
He calls this his daughter's drawing
Bear with me, please bear with me. The no scale and no skill, but it's still with inspiration.Errrr........
Reno is yet to start.
Many were asking how is our renovation getting on. All I could say is nothing has started yet. We have not even signed any contract yet.
We are most likely going to confirm Ideal House as our ID.
All we need to look for is one off day together to meet up with Steven who just return from reservist.
I tugged myself in renotalk recently, and realised many went through thorough check of the house when they first gotten the key. Mr fiance and I did not do that and now I am getting a bit worried.
Hopefully, we could get everything started real soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Yvonne Creative Bridal Show.
Despite of the tiredness, Charlene accompanied me to watch Yvonne Creative's Bridal Show at Vivocity yesterday. They are quite lovely. Only manage to take pictures of the last segment of the show, with my pathetic Samsung mobile phone.I tried this gown on my first appointment. I looked nice in it. It's also featured in Bliss Wedding or is it Style Wedding magazine for this quarter. =)
This is another gown that we like. But the details cannot really be seen from this pic. It's nice too. =)
By the way, she is Lisa Wong. Miss Singapore Universe (200?) She looks pretty and confident in real. The gown she is wearing is same as above if you cannot tell from the poorly taken pictures. Ha.
It was crowded. So many people are getting married. The booths are packed. I really hope to make appointment and "chopped" the gown before anyone would have chosen it before me but mr fiance is not free. Felt very much like going down and choose one on my own but the sweetness of choosing a gown together will be lost. =( So, what should I do?
Leave it to fate.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ideas! Steal!
Steven from Ideal house emailed us a revised quotation today. It's rounded up to 49k. Only 2k difference from the first one. However, it looks like we need to do alot of amendment to it cause we are still changing design for our house haha...
We are hoping to get HDB's contractor to help us with more items by topping up with cash. It should save us alot. And thanks to Drey, my new neighbour for sharing the info. Therefore, most likely, we will get HDB's contractor to help us to lay all the tiles, laminate floorings and hopefully to change but not supply a new W.C.
We spent about an hour in IKEA. I took pictures of ideas I liked.
1) Book Shelf. Not this size but similar. Actually I like it white. But he prefers this brown black. Anyway, I convinced myself with this cos IKEA's white tends to turn yellow. =)
2) Wow, the shower area is definitely a cost saving idea. Checked! This for common bathroom! =)
3) I LOVE white kitchen, the cabinets and solid surface top! LOVE LOVE LOVE! He nagged at me non-stop, reminding me how difficult it's going to maintain. -_-
4) I am going to have a work top like this. Slightly lower at waist line. We can also have quick meals or breakfast here. =)
4) The black cabinet on top is easy to reach and sleek. I like!!
At paragon a few days back, saw this panels at XQZT(?) I thought it's something different compared to the string curtains nowadays. It's $198 for 20 pieces. Hmmmm... it seemed a bit pricey... well, can consider still.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hack here, Hack there...
Nope, we have not decided on the reno firm yet. However, we have requested HDB to hack the floor tiles without replacing and it's FOC. We also paid $330 to have the toilets and kitchen wall tiles to be hacked. =) My dad commented, $330 CAN LOR... wakakaka.... Alright, let's take a look at Sengkang Compassvale St EA again...
Above is the view of the living from the entrance and the entrance to the kitchen just after you step into the house. =) My dad, inspecting with his past carpentry experiences.
From our living, you see the view of passage ways to all rooms. This unit comes with an open concept study room. Thanks Bangladesh for that picture effect.
It's another entrance to the kitchen, also meaning, the kitchen has 2 exits. As far as I know, most of my neighbours conceal them with doors. We are planning to do the same. Haha... Picture below is bedroom 3. Consider full height window i guess.
It's bedroom 2 with full height window. I didn't have a picture of master bedroom. It does not come with a full ht window though. :s Cannot understand. Anyway, we are going to have our bed in bedroom 2.
The condition of our common and master bedroom toilets now.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Photographer? Checked.
About an hour ago, we have confirmed Eulee from Photography By Eulee as our actual day photographer. :)
The Video Professionals.
I thought I was very kiasu but Vocare told me that they already have booking for Sept 09!! That was FAST!!! The bride and groom must have really liked them.
It's been raining the whole day, it did not make my travel easy. Joyce from Vocare was sweet to just came out and look for me with an umbrella, knowing that I am walking from a distance to their studio. This is called going the extra mile. Too bad, Vocare video presentation was not so much of my style despite of the very nice people. I shall keep the date open for them to receive other suitable clients.
Linn Kong's video portfolio by her partners Steven/ Jackson was pretty good and her package with edited whole day event and express highlight for the day are exactly what I am looking for, furthermore they charge the lowest among the 3 I have seen today.
However, the one that I really had a good laugh and felt strangely touched are the works by Alex from Emotion Pix. It is perhaps another 300 bucks more than Linn's but because by referral, he is giving me pretty reasonable package.
Shall I keep my budget tight and sign with Linn, or follow my heart to confirm with Alex? Yah, I will need some time again....
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Which is nicer?
Hello!! It's 7am on a Sunday Morning. I am glad to see new layouts in my mail. No quotation though. However, these 2 layouts are what exactly we are contemplating on.
Ok, the original floorplan looks like this:-Why don't you all tell me which one is nicer? A or B?
Plan Layout A: The original study room as a living room. The balcony is extended, making use of that area as entertaining cum cosy cum study corner.Plan Layout B: Study room as entertaining cum cosy corner cum study room. Balcony extended to build a small platform and as living room.
So which is nicer? Dilemma.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
So far... that's it.
till date, we received a few quotation:-
Summit Design: $43k
Plus-Interior: $55k
Ah Tau Design: $49k
Ideal House: $28k (which we believe there might be some errors)
Expecting more next week.
Will be signing with Eulee photography. He beats Tommy Leong by just a thin line. Still, I enjoyed meeting up with Tommy.
I am in search of a wedding day videographer, budget at $1k (lower the better) and must be reliable!